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What is Dehumidification?
Dehumidification involves removing moisture from the air. The moisture is removed through condensation. Dehumidification units rely on evaporation, which involves removing moisture from a liquid by allowing it to pass over a solid surface. The evaporation process involves transferring heat away from a substance and converting the substance into vapor.
The most common application for this process is cooling. The air is brought into an area that has been cooled, and the moisture in the air condenses on the cold surface.
There are three different ways that this process occurs. These are:
Absorption occurs when a substance attracts moisture to it. This can be done by passing gases through fibers or porous materials, such as cotton or down feathers, and then releasing them back into the open air as dry and warm gases. This process is used in dehumidifiers today to remove humidity efficiently.
The condensation process occurs when a substance undergoes a phase change, and loose moisture gathers on the surface. This can be achieved through the use of evaporation.
Sublimation occurs when a substance is transformed into a gas without being melted or changed into another substance. This can be done by passing hot vapors under cold air, causing the vapor to condense.
Why The Restoration Contractors’ Dehumidification Service
Our Dehumidification Process
We use several processes and equipment in dehumidification to ensure immediate and long-term protection. Our processes differ based on the size and nature of the property.
We use hygrometers to measure levels of humidity within the property. This process determines how much work is needed to dehumidify a property.
We then use a wide array of dehumidification equipment, including industrial-strength dehumidifiers, trailer-mounted desiccant dehumidifiers, and single-room units to absorb moisture from the air in and around the property. We also use air movers, air blowers, and air scrubbers to force warm, dry air through the property when moisture has been removed.
We ensure continuous humidity monitoring to keep the humidification process in check for the best result.